Curated Links: Weekly - 2022-09-19
- AccessibilitySeirdy / Rohan Kumar
[Updated] Best practices for inclusive textual websites - EmailLitmus / Carin Slater
Outlook Email Rendering Issues and How to Solve Them - FrontendMarko Denic
CSS line-height - FrontendCSS-TRICKS / Preethi Selvam
Using Grid Named Areas to Visualize (and Reference) Your Layout - Frontend[CodePen] Ryan Trimble
Grid and Container Queries! - FrontendWebDev / Manuel Matuzović
Building the main navigation for a website
Best of the rest
- UX Collective / Lukas Oppermann
Dark mode with design tokens - Austin Gil
TIL: You Can Access A User's Camera with Just HTML
- FrontendBONUS
#HEXWORDS Why bother with a random green when you can choose to be a #BADA55!